Binguni Tutaimba Hallelujah by Solomon Mkubwa - (At AEE MOMBASA MISSION) Festival edition (Ep 1)
Evangelizing to the cities of Africa through WORD and DEEDS in Partnership with the Church.
Evangelizing to the cities of Kenya through WORD and DEEDS in Partnership with the Church.
To faithfully lead the way in mobilising effective and holistic urban evangelism in partnership with world evangelical Christians to win the continent of Africa for Christ.
To evangelise the cities of Africa in word and deed in partnership with the church.
To faithfully lead the way in mobilising effective and holistic urban evangelism in partnership with world evangelical Christians to win the continent of Africa for Christ.
To evangelise the cities of Africa in word and deed in partnership with the church.
Proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus is the Heartbeat of African Enterprise.
African Enterprise has been evangelising the cities of Africa through mission in Word and Deed in partnership with local churches for over 50 years! We’ve only just begun…
Our passion to proclaim the Gospel is carried out primarily through evangelistic outreaches, or ‘missions’ , in the major cities of Africa. We believe that all people – from street children to presidents – need to hear and be changed by the Gospel!
African Enterprise has played a pivotal role in Africa for the past 60 years in bringing peace and reconciliation during conflict, bringing hundreds of thousands of people to church and providing vulnerable people with new life options through apprenticeship programs. Our commitment to the Great Commission and glorifying God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is made possible through our team of evangelists located in ten countries throughout Africa, mission volunteers through churches in Africa and across the world, and all our supporters around the world. Our vision, mission and values that are endorsed by our International Board of Directors are as follows:
#LikoniMombasa #PraiseHimInAnAfricanWay